Can You Sell a House with Termites?

If you recently discovered that your house has termite damage, you might be wondering, can you sell a house with termites? Similarly, can you sell a house with termite damage? The answer is yes, it is possible, but unless you plan to sell your house “as is,” selling will not be easy. You will need to eliminate the infestation and repair any damage to the home. You may also be required to disclose the insect problem.

Below we’ll explain what you need to consider when preparing to sell.

Selling A House With Termite Damage

Before determining if and how you want to sell a house with termites, start by assessing the damage, determining your goals, forming a disclosure for potential buyers and deciding who will pay for the termite removal and/or damage.

Orkin produced a helpful checklist to look for signs of termites, which you can read here.

Steps To Take Before Selling a House With Termites

If you are selling a house with termite damage, you’ll want to start by assessing the extent of the damage and the overall problem. Get an inspection from a professional. Is the damage relegated to just the front porch? How much of the exterior and interior are infested with termites? Is there structural damage done to the home, or are the required repairs minor? Termite damage ranges from buckling wood to visibly seeing the mazes they leave in the wood.

Termites, untreated for too long, wreak havoc on a house and eventually leave it literally unable to stay standing. For these reasons, it’s important to deal with the issue as soon as possible.

The next step involves determining what your goals are, which will help you make a decision on how to proceed.

Do you want to sell the house as quickly as possible without making repairs, or do you have the time and money to make repairs and sell the house through a traditional real estate agent?

Determining your timeline, budget and flexibility help guide sellers in determining their plan for selling a home with termite damage.

Can You Sell a House With Termites As Is?

If sellers decide not to repair the termite damage, they can sell the house as is. Selling a house as is refers to any house sold without making all needed repairs and updates.

The benefit when selling as is includes selling the house more quickly and avoiding the cost of repairs. However, houses sold as is usually don’t sell for full market value since buyers will have to make the needed repairs.

The best way to sell a house as is to work with a home buyer such as Big State Home Buyers. Home buyers help sellers by providing alternative selling solutions when sellers want or need to avoid the traditional market. If you’re looking to sell a house with termite damage quickly for cash, a home buyer can help navigate you through the processes of selling.

Do You Have To Disclose Termites When Selling a House

When selling a home with current or past termites or termite damage, its best to over-disclose. Most buyers inspect a house for sale during the option period, so you might as well be up front and disclose the termites.

Some sellers further protect themselves by offering to pay for an additional termite inspection for buyers to provide both peace of mind and a safeguard.

Termite Disclosure Law

Laws vary state by state, but most states agree that sellers should disclose any known damages to a house, and this includes both termites and termite damage. Minor damage from the past that you repair doesn’t necessarily need to be disclosed. Its best to disclose as much as possible (rather than risk not disclosing an important fact), but if the previous damage doesn’t affect the home in current state or the value of the house, it can be left off the disclosures.

Who Pays For Termite Treatment: Buyer Or Seller?

Ultimately, buyers and sellers can negotiate who should pay for termite treatment when a house is being sold. Sellers who want the best price for their house will probably want to make all necessary repairs before selling. This gives sellers more leverage when negotiating a sales price. However, if sellers want buyers to pay for repairs, they need to state that the house is being sold as is in the contract, and make sure to list all damages.

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